Hello semua! Saya ni betul2 tak sangka ada pulak yg datang berkunjung blog yang tak seberapa saya ni. I even forgot I had this blog to work on. Actually it started as just a self-reminder of what I learned when I was in school (saya ni lahir zaman Dr. M).
Sekarang Prinsip Perakaunan semakin canggih, siap ada kerja projek bagai! Kalau saya jadi student lagi, mungkin saya tak sepandai anda semua! Tapi apa2 pun, ilmu nya sama sahaja... prinsip masih sama. So saya nak cuba dan terus mencuba update blog ni. Nota sebagaimana cara saya belajar dulu (sangat dulu-dulu hehehe).
Maaf kalau ada tersilap total, sub-total. Let me confess, saya bukan cikgu Prinsip Perakaunan! I am a mother of 4 kids! Jadi, sambil2 mengasuh anak, sambil itulah saya ingat2 semula apa yg saya belajar zaman dahulu kala. Bila ada yang menegur figures dlm akaun2 saya, itu sangat bagus... mari kita belajar bersama.
And sometimes I just cannot immediately reply to your comments... noted! Kelemahan saya tu. Semua pengurusan masa. Jadi ada yg nak nota tentang lejar. Let's see how long it takes me to come up with it. Sorry no cure right... still have to apologies because, the thought that counts.
Prinsip Perakaunan
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Jump Around! Jump Around!
My Rule, I allow myself to jump around the topics in Prinsip
Perakaunan. You should too. Especially
the easy topics. Now, kalau dah tahu Buku Catatan Pertama, dah tahu nak
handle dokumen & buat pelarasan, please feel free to jump to any easy Form
5 Topics (I will list out the easy ones).
Find them in my 2nd Blog (http://waefs2.blogspot.com/).
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Mula Dengan ... Kitaran Perakaunan.
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Kita mulakan dari Dokumen Sumber. Dokumen
sumber ni nothing much lah. Setiap Urusniaga (transaction) contohnyer,
jual beli, bayar gaji or bayar sewa, semua mesti keluarkan or terima Dokumen
sebagai bukti. Info or butir or maklumat dari dokumen2 ni lah
yang kita rekodkan (jadi, setiap urusniaga mesti ada dokumen &
Difficulty Level MEDIUM
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Welcome Paper 3. Canggih la nowadays...
I don't remember much of my SPM years, but I don't think there were that many papers to complete for Prinsip Perakaunan. Now there's 3! Paper 3 is the coursework (which I find very interesting indeed).
So it goes:-
So it goes:-
Prinsip Perakaunan, my style.
again I hear another cry of panic in regards to the coming SPM Prinsip
Perakaunan paper. For me, Accounts, Maths and Add Maths has always been
my favorites. So, this blog explains how I saw and learned Accounts
in Form 4 & 5 (maybe one fine day I'll add in more subjects). Must
not be too ambitious when you're a housewife with two kids.
Thus my
Manglish begins.
in the exams, jangan panic… kalau everyday buat exercise/latih tubi, mesti
score punyer. Ofcourse, kenalah belajar dan jangan menghafal, subjek ni
lebih interesting kalau kita faham.
Don’t !
Never! memorise urusniaga as Debit Kredit. Fahamkan why kena debit dan
kenapa dia kena kredit. To understand, kena belajar bayangkan kita ni
seorang peniaga, berniaga jual barang etc. Bayangkan barang yang hendak
kita jual tu (day dreaming is allowed).
Use kalkulator (I prefer calculator), yang besar & senang tekan (sedap tekan,
big keys, increases your confidence). Masa saya sekolah dulu, kita lawan
siapa punya calculator paling besar, nasib takde orang bawak cash
register. We did not use the scientific calculator yang pakai for Maths
and Add Maths OK! Cikgu tak suruh pun beli calculator lain, but we wanted to.
Good to have ruler (pembaris) panjang & pen merah. Kita akan tengok banyak butiran & information, jadi takut berlaku kekeliruan. Bagus kalau kita boleh highlight butiran yang penting2 nanti.
time, get organised, especially your exam desk. Jangan biasa buat
kerja dalam semak & serabut.
Jangan kedekut kertas (jangan muat semua
Lejar dalam satu A4) atau takut nak mintak kertas. I would only use
one A4 utk 4 Lejar (Max).
So I
will try to explain this subject my way.
job is to understand the subject your way.
when all else fails, who made it a rule that we can never try again?
I sure didn't
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